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Did you know that…

… Perkins tests the func­tion of all spare parts at a sim­u­lat­ed alti­tude of 4,500 metres?

By 9. November 2020 No Comments

That is almost as high as Mont Blanc, at 4,810 metres the high­est moun­tain in the Alps and the EU.

Perkins spare parts are also test­ed for their tol­er­ance to tem­per­a­ture fluc­tu­a­tions. This is because many Perkins engines oper­ate in some of the most demand­ing envi­ron­ments in the world, often in remote areas and in the most extreme cas­es sev­er­al days away from a ser­vice loca­tion. Users need to be con­fi­dent that their starter, for exam­ple, will work for them regard­less of exter­nal con­di­tions, from sub­arc­tic tun­dra to scorch­ing hot deserts, or in the less exot­ic envi­ron­ment of factories.

The starter deliv­ers the pow­er required to start the com­pres­sion sequence in the diesel engine. It draws its charge from the bat­tery, which in turn is con­tin­u­ous­ly charged while the engine is running.

You can only rely on your Perkins engine if the start­ing and charg­ing sys­tem is effec­tive and ful­ly func­tion­al. This need for reli­a­bil­i­ty is the rea­son why Perkins tests every starter and alter­na­tor. This ensures that each indi­vid­ual starter can be start­ed at least 36,000 times. In oth­er words, every Perkins starter can be start­ed twice a day, 365 days a year, for over 50 years.

For some appli­ca­tions, such as machines that run around the clock, the engine actu­al­ly needs to per­form only a rel­a­tive­ly small num­ber of starts. Oth­er motors must be con­stant­ly switched on and off again. It is there­fore essen­tial to have a starter that works day after day, all year round, regard­less of the machine application.

Perkins starters – devel­oped for you

Due to the high qual­i­ty and exten­sive test­ing, it is unlike­ly that your starter motor will fail, but if it does, you can order a replace­ment quick­ly and inex­pen­sive­ly from BU Pow­er Sys­tems. Our employ­ees will com­pe­tent­ly pre­pare an attrac­tive offer for you. BU Pow­er Sys­tems can pro­vide you with the gen­uine Perkins spare parts you need to ensure that your engine has a long life and runs opti­mal­ly. Con­tin­u­ous stock and order analy­ses ensure that stan­dard spare parts are avail­able at all times and at short notice. Our spare parts port­fo­lio includes all main­te­nance parts (e.g. fil­ters, V‑belts, valve cov­er gas­kets), engine over­haul parts (e.g. pis­tons, rings, bush­ings, bear­ings, seal kits), elec­tri­cal com­po­nents (e.g. alter­na­tors, pre­heaters, trans­mit­ters) and engine oil (Perkins diesel engine oil).

Elec­tri­cal com­po­nents from Perkins – pow­er­ful at every start

Gen­uine Perkins com­po­nents are syn­ony­mous with strong per­for­mance, out­stand­ing qual­i­ty and high reli­a­bil­i­ty. With gen­uine Perkins parts, you can be con­fi­dent that your engine will always be ready for use, even in extreme weath­er conditions.

Your advan­tages with Perkins orig­i­nal starter and alter­na­tors (gen­er­a­tor)
  • High reli­a­bil­i­ty and long ser­vice life
  • Starter motors and spare parts at the lat­est state of the art
  • Safe engine start and high vibra­tion resistance
  • Safe func­tion of starter motor and alter­na­tor (gen­er­a­tor)

Please change the starter motor if the start­ing process can only be slowed down. It takes longer for the engine to react and start. This could be a defect in the starter motor.

With the alter­na­tor, the ten­sion of the belt is impor­tant. If it is too loose, it will slip. If the belt ten­sion is too high, the bear­ings of the alter­na­tor can be dam­aged. The opti­mal tun­ing of all com­po­nents is there­fore absolute­ly essen­tial to ensure that your engine runs reliably. 

Your ben­e­fits using Perkins orig­i­nal fan belts
  • Opti­mal pow­er transmission
  • Per­fect run­ning characteristics
  • Reli­a­bil­i­ty and strength through fibre reinforcements

Remem­ber that: When the alter­na­tor (gen­er­a­tor) is replaced, the fan belt should also be replaced, too. The con­nect­ing cables should also be checked and replaced if necessary. 

Do you have ques­tions about Perkins starters or oth­er Perkins gen­uine spare parts? Con­tact us at 0800 5451 5451. As your exclu­sive Perkins dis­trib­u­tor, BU Pow­er Sys­tems offers orig­i­nal qual­i­ty at rea­son­able prices.