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BU Power Systems News

10 years of BU Pow­er Sys­tems in Italy

By 15. June 2021 No Comments

In 2021, we are cel­e­brat­ing our 10th anniver­sary in Italy. Since March 2011, BU Pow­er Sys­tems Italy has been the exclu­sive Perkins dis­trib­u­tor in Italy. Three loca­tions, includ­ing Giron­i­co (near Como), the Monas­ti­er di Tre­vi­so branch (near Venice) and the Imo­la branch, offer the com­plete Perkins per­for­mance port­fo­lio for your engine — from sales to ser­vice. All three loca­tions are lev­el 3‑certified Perkins ser­vice part­ners ensur­ing a con­sis­tent­ly high qual­i­ty of ser­vice. Intel­li­gent bear­ing sys­tems guar­an­tee fast deliv­ery of Perkins orig­i­nal spare parts.

“Pos­i­tive devel­op­ments in terms of prod­uct, dis­tri­b­u­tion and, above all, cus­tomer rela­tion­ships have char­ac­ter­ized the last decade. I have been for­tu­nate to be part of this adven­ture from day one. Since 2011 I have been able to gain a lot of expe­ri­ence and have had an intense, enjoy­able time togeth­er with cus­tomers and col­leagues,” recalls Simone Buraschi, Man­ag­ing Direc­tor BU Pow­er Sys­tems Italia. “We are proud of our devel­op­ment in Italy and look for­ward to con­tin­u­ing the suc­cess sto­ry. Con­grat­u­la­tions to all the employ­ees of BU Pow­er Sys­tems Italy on this anniver­sary and thank you for the excep­tion­al­ly good coop­er­a­tion,” says Franz Focks, CEO of BU Pow­er Group.